Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Finding the Dark Matter particle or Micro Black hole!

New FOM Program funded: The Missing Universe - What is the subatomic constituent of Dark Matter?

21 November 2012
A “Vrije Programma” grant of 2.0M€ from Foundation FOM will allow several University of Amsterdam (UvA, Netherlands) faculty members at the Institute of Physics, all associated to the UvA research priority area GRAPPA, to carry out a research program to investigate the nature of Dark Matter over the next six years.

Dark Matter. Like the tip of an iceberg, only 15% of all matter in the Universe is visible as particles we know from the Standard Model. More than 85% of the matter in the Universe is made up of new, unknown particles; this is called Dark Matter. The goal of the awarded program is to find the particle that is responsible for Dark Matter. Image: Ralph A. Clevenger / Hollandse Hoogte.

Conclusion, the universe is filled up with black holes af various sizes, from micro up to giants like the Big Crunch/ Big Bang (see bouncing/pulsating universe paradigm)

Erik Verlinde:  Rethinking the Big Bang theory

I think there’s something we haven’t found yet and this will help us discover the origins of our universe. In short, the universe originated from something, not from nothing. There was something there and we have to find the equations. It has something to do with dark energy and how that is related to dark matter. If we understand the equations for those components of our universe, I think we’ll also have a better understanding of how the universe began. I think it’s all about the interplay between these different forms of energy and matter.

Dark Matter mystery may soon be solved!
Not only Galaxies, but even Galaxy clusters seem to be connected to structured dark matter filaments as shown below. I assume this is embedded inside one of the fillaments of the so called  Lyman Alpha structure

Astronomers using the W. M. Keck Observatory, the Hubble Space Telescope, and other telescopes on Mauna Kea have studied a giant filament of dark matter in 3D for the first time. Image released Oct. 17. 2012.
CREDIT: Image by ESA; additional elements by K. Teramura, Univ. Hawaii Institute for Astronomy

Dark Matter Black Holes are everywhere at all scales as:
Dark Matter Sunspots, Dark Matter Comets, Dark Matter Ball Lightning and as
Anchor Black Holes for Stars, Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters.

Friday, August 17, 2012

More Ball Lightning Research could lead us to Free Energy for all human benefit.

FREE ENERGY laboratory in action.

Examples of splitting and evaporating MICRO BLACK HOLES violating the first law of thermodynamics. see also:  Molecular black holes
Created by interfering EM photons inside a SILICON wafer and producing small silicon globules.
Each globule is equipped with clear funnel shaped trunks created by the evaporating and splitting nano Black hole (below).

Complex Silicon globule below produced by R.Dekker, TuDelft.nl
Why? see my papers:

Simple shaped Silicon globules with only one exit funnel, produced by during my video action (see above) 

How the nano black hole could be formed.
Conclusion, we need a three and four fold geometry of EM energy sources
just as found inside Silicon atoms. ( Cubic and Tetrahedral)

For more see THIS

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Crux of Quantum FFF theory.

Our MULTIVERSE as an entangled system of dual CP(T) symmetrical PINBALL MACHINES in RASPBERRY bubble shape.
GOD PLAYS NOT DICE, but DUAL ENTANGLED PINBALL MACHINES. Or: God plays not only dice but also russian roulette at multiple entangled tables.

Quantum FFF is a Quantum Construction Theory with small deviations from David Deutsch's theory.

ONE important Q-FFF conclusion is: Stephen Hawking is wrong about black holes. ( evaporation and fermion absorption)
1; Only small black holes like ball lightning evaporate in standard vacuum.
2: All black holes produce Hydrogen (just as ball lighning does) by vacuum fluctuations.
3: All black holes repell Fermions in standard vacuum.


Lubos Motl wrote on Weinberg’s new book:
“Weinberg's evolving views on quantum mechanics “ ( 27-01-2013)
 Now, Steven Weinberg apparently knows and admits that none of the existing attempts to derive quantum mechanics from something "more fundamental" is more than an example of circular reasoning or, if you want one words instead of two, gibberish. But the older Weinberg is still prejudiced that there should be some "less quantum" foundations beneath the quantum phenomena although this more general prejudice is still scientifically unjustifiable and ultimately wrong.

As I have written many times, this belief in realism is analogous to any other religious belief. People's rational thinking simply gets turned off as soon as they hit questions that could threaten some opinions and assumptions that they view as fundamental for their world view. That's a pity. The advocates of "realism behind quantum mechanics" are running an industry of arguments that is analogous to creationism and its claims that Darwin's evolution has lethal flaws.

In Quantum FFF Theory: something more fundamental is proposed in the CPT Symmetric Entangled Dual Pinall Machine Multiverse  
Our MULTIVERSE seems to be an entangled system of dual CP(T) symmetrical PINBALL MACHINES in RASPBERRY bubble shape.
FUNCTION FOLLOWS FORM in Quantum FFF-Theory. The MICROSTRUCTURE of elementary particles, combined with the vacuum lattice structure, is supposed to bethe origin of FUNCTIONAL differences between Higgs- Photon- and propeller shaped Fermion particles.
Something SMALL is missing in mainstream physics: a NEW splitting and pairing MASSLESS BLACK HOLE,the origin of all dark matter, Ball Lightning Sunspots up to Galaxy external Anchor Black Holes and the Big Crunch of the CP symmetric pulsating raspberry shaped multiverse.
The raspberry shaped multiverse is a huge dual entangled pinball machine, with dark energy in the form of linear oscillating double Higgs "pins" as the origin of photonic collision products (radiation) with propeller shaped real rotating Fermion balls. (hidden local variables)
All forces are the result of this entangled Pin-Ball interaction.
SO: NOTHING SUCKS IN PHYSICS and everything is ENTANGLED by INSTANT communication between at least two Charge-Parity symmetrical anti-copy UNIVERSES being entangled since the big bang. ( Material Cosmic Consciousness of Life)

The 125GeV Boson recently found in the LHC is not a single but a double massless Higgs boson linear oscillating in tandem as opposing boxer engine pistons in a chiral truncated tetrahedron lattice. The 125GeV energy is the base for universal dark energy, the frequency is the base for local time and the length a base for the Planck scale.

FOR TESTABLE PREDICTIONS, see: Wavefunction collapse and Human choice-making inside an entangled mirror symmetrical Multiverse
Experiments to determine the mass related Lightspeed extinction volume
around the Earth and around spinning objects in the Lab.
Leo Vuyk.
The cyclic CPT Symmetric RASPBERRY Multiverse, fractal based by black hole evaporation.

that quantum mechanics – in the founders' (refined or unrefined) interpretation – made a complete sense and it was a complete theory linking observations to mathematical objects and able to make (probabilistic) predictions.

EDGE interview with David Deutsch on Quantum Construction

EDGE: Why specifically a quantum constructor theory? 
DEUTSCH: Because quantum theory is our basic theory of the physical world. All construction is quantum construction.

Breaking NEWS:

ScienceDaily (Oct. 28, 2012)
"Our result gives weight to the idea that quantum correlations somehow arise from outside spacetime, in the sense that no story in space and time can describe them," says Nicolas Gisin, Professor at the University of Geneva,

A clear support for the "instant communication" postulate of Quantum-FFF theory between all individual particles inside copy universes or between local entangled entities like atoms or smaller particles!!
The Broglie- Bohm pilot wave as an instant (timeless) entanglement phenomenon!

Instant Broglie- Bohm Pilot Waves, the Origin of all Entanglement Effects
in the Lab and Wavefunction Collapses in our Universe as related to our
opposing Anti-COPY UNIVERSE(S) according to Quantum- FFF- Theory.

According to Q-FFF theory, we material humans live in one of an even number of CPT
symmetrical copy universes however, then we need an instant correlation medium between
these universes to synchronize all wavefunction collapses and even our conscious decisions.
Thus, we need an INSTANT timeless Broglie Bohm pilot wave.
Then Schrödinger’s Cat and correlated anti-material Copy Cats, are alive or dead in all
universes at the same time and God plays dice in an even number of correlated universes.
The main characteristics of the Quantum-FFF Theory are:
1: Sub Quantum Microstructure of elementary particles including photons, being convertibles
of the oscillating dark energy Higgs particle shaping the vacuum lattice..
2: The energetic oscillating Higgs is by collision the origin all particle motion and spin states
and even dark energy (125 Gev) inside a truncated tetrahedron shaped chiral vacuum lattice.
3:The lattice chirality (left or right handed) is the origin of our material universe and the asymmetry
of some decay phenomena.
4: The Higgs vacuum lattice is transportation medium of all photonic information and able to
mimic relativity rules down to a measurable level.
5: Nothing sucks in physics and everything is Entangled by INSTANT communication
between at least two anti-copy Universes or the Multiverse, being entangled since the big
bang. (the Broglie-Bohm pilot wave) or between entangled particles in the lab.
6: Black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) can not emit gravitons themselves, as a
consequence, they must be massless but also counter intuitive the origin of all dark matter due
to a gravitational Casimir pressure effect.

FUNCTION FOLLOWS FORM in Quantum FFF-Theory. The MICROSTRUCTURE of elementary particles, combined with the vacuum lattice structure, is supposed to be the origin of FUNCTIONAL differences between Higgs- Photon- and propeller shaped Fermion particles.

Something SMALL is missing in mainstream physics: a NEW splitting and pairing MASSLESS BLACK HOLE,the origin of all dark matter, Ball Lightning Sunspots up to Galaxy external Anchor Black Holes and the Big Crunch of the CP(T) (Charge Parity and Time) symmetric pulsating raspberry shaped multiverse.

The raspberry shaped multiverse can be compared with dual entangled pinball machines, with dark energy in the form of linear oscillating double Higgs "pins" as the origin of photonic collision products (radiation) with propeller shaped real rotating Fermion balls. So these "hidden local variables" are supposed to be responsible for "the collapse of the wavefunction" and antanglement or instant quantum communication at multi-universal scale and in the lab.

All forces are the result of this entangled Pin-Ball interaction.
SO: NOTHING SUCKS IN PHYSICS and everything is ENTANGLED by INSTANT communication between at least two Charge-Parity symmetrical anti-copy UNIVERSES being entangled since the big bang. ( Material Cosmic Consciousness of Life)

The 125GeV Boson recently found in the LHC is not a single but a double massless Higgs boson linear oscillating in tandem as opposing boxer engine pistons in a chiral truncated tetrahedron lattice. The 125GeV energy is the base for universal dark energy, the frequency is the base for local time and the length a base for the Planck scale.

“The massgiving ocean in which Fermion pinballs swim” has a Higgs system that is based on opposite oscillations of TWIN (massless but energetic) Higgs particles making the ocean not massive for motion, but giving mass to Fermions by the relativistic production rate of gravitons.
Faster motion of the fermion through the vacuum reference frame means:  more graviton production!!

Einstein's GOD plays NOT DICE, will become: God plays with LOADED DICE INSIDE DUAL ENTANGLED PINBALL MACHINES connected by "spooky action at a distance". The dice (Fermions) are not symmetrical, they have complex internal anti-symmetrical structure.
Example: In our MATERIAL universe, B mesons decay very slightly more into matter than antimatter, so that explains why there is a material universe at all. However if the universe is still symmetrical, there should be at least a second entangled anti-material universe. The anti material instant spooky entangled Pinball machine at a distance!

FOR TESTABLE PREDICTIONS, see: Wavefunction collapse and Human choice-making inside an entangled mirror symmetrical Multiverse
Experiments to determine the mass related Lightspeed extinction volume
around the Earth and around spinning objects in the Lab.
Leo Vuyk.

Quark Compositeness related to mass. 

Is Intuitionistic logic, or constructive logic, constructive type theory perhaps able to incorporate constructions like these?

Abell 1689 is an interesting example of how the dark matter- black hole related distribution seems also to be located outside galaxies. According to Quantum FFF theory, is dark matter ouside galaxies mainly related to premordial black holes, responsible for the Galaxy formation, called Galaxy Anchor Black Holes (GABHs)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Perpetual Motion and Time and Quantum FFF theory

From Wikipedia: Perpetual motion describes "Motion that continues indefinitely without any external source of energy; impossible in practice because of friction."[2]
It can also be described as "the motion of a hypothetical machine which, once activated, would run forever unless subject to an external force or to wear".[3]
 There is a scientific consensus that perpetual motion in an isolated system would violate the first and/or second law of thermodynamics.
Machines which extract energy from seemingly perpetual sources—such as ocean currents (or waves) —are capable of moving "perpetually" (for as long as that energy source itself endures), but they are not considered to be perpetual motion machines because they are consuming energy from an external source and are not isolated systems.

Quantum Function Follows Form theory and TIME
The "eigen energy" of propeller shaped Fermions (the radiation products and rotational energy) is originated by the interaction with (and propulsion by) the external source of the massless Higgs particles oscillating as oscillating twin particles inside the Chiral Tetrahedral Vacuum Field Lattice.
We couldd call this particle system a TWIN BOXER Particle system.
The new "boson baby" found at the LHC, seems to prefer to decay (or transform) into pairs of other particles.
So the new boson could be a TWIN BABY with oscillating energy instead of real mass.
According to Q-FFF theory, both Higgs babies should oscillate as two opposing pistons in a boxer engine, creating the Planck length the "eigen energy" of fermions and the origin of dark energy.
I would call it the TWIN BOXER particle.
The local Higgs oscillation frequency combined with absolute reference frame motion is supposed to be the base for local time because it is supposed to be the origin of all particle and atom frequencies.
Conclusion: Local Time is based on the the local frequency of atoms like Ceasium.
Multiversal time however, is supposed to be based on the absorption rate of the Higgs system (probably few Fermions) by all pairing and splitting black holes together, after the Inflation epoch (see figure) leading to a Big Crunch.

The average Higgs oscillation length (twin boxer particle length) is supposed to be the origin of the Planck length.
The resulting "ocean wave energy"of the Higgs field is in this respect leading to perpetual motion of all Fermions and other Free energy effects around (New paradigm) Black Holes, such as (microscopic and astronomical)  Black hole acceleration, particle "pair production"  and radiation. http://vixra.org/pdf/1103.0097v1.pdf
The "Eigen energy" and "Casimir effect" is supposed to be the microscopic variant of the macroscopic Black Hole Free Energy effect we find inside Ball Lightning, Comets, Sunspots, "Dust Pillars of creation", dual Stellar- and even Galaxy Anchor Black Holes


Similar ideas are present in Vedic sciences, see:
The Perpetual Harmonic Oscillatory State (PHO)

Friday, June 15, 2012

SILICON BASED BALL LIGHTNING IN THE LAB, an alternative micro black hole interpretation

EXAMPLES OF SPLITTING SILICON BASED BALL LIGHTNING ( micro black holes created ) IN THE LAB. ( molecular black hole)

Experiment with Nico Vuyk, sept 2012.

Simple methode for Nano Black Hole production, splitting and evaporation in- and outside a silicon globule.
Experiment copied from Ronald Dekker's methode by Leo Vuyk with simple commercial electric welding equippement using carbon electrode on mono crystaline silicium wafer, ( july 2012)
The micro (nano) black hole tunneling exit funnels are clearly visible at all globules.
These globules have no signs of multiple exit funnels (by an internal nano black hole splitting process) as is seen at some of the R.Dekker globules.
(see below)

Below: Trimmed video of Antonio Pavão and Gerson Paiva Brazil.
For general information about the Zero Point Energy Black Hole Paradigm, or ZPE Black Hole Paradigm see:
Examples of NEW PARADIGM Splitting and Pairing Accelerated MASSLESS (Micro) Black Holes.

(From Wikipedia)
Silicon experiments
Experiments in 2007 involved shocking silicon wafers with electricity, which vaporizes the silicon and induces oxidation in the vapors. The visual effect can be described as small glowing, sparkling orbs that roll around a surface. Two Brazilian scientists, Antonio Pavão and Gerson Paiva of the Federal University of Pernambuco[48] have reportedly consistently made small long-lasting balls using this method.[49][50] These experiments stemmed from the theory that ball lightning is actually oxidized silicon vapors (see vaporized silicon hypothesis, ).

Second example of Silicon based Ball lightning:
by Ronald Dekker, Martijn Goossens and Pascal de Graaf. TuDelft (University of Delft, the Netherlands)

Electron microscope images of the Silicon based BL nuclei, with permission of the author: Ronald Dekker at al.
Image of some silicon nuclei, all with globular shape and equipped with one large and several smaller appendices and diameters between 0.4 and 0.8 mm

A remarkable globular nucleus: equipped with several small globules- and only ONE larger appendix (TRUNK) without the oxidation skin observed at the Silicon globule. 
Future research should focus on these differences!
My Quantum FFF theory proposal, based on the new black hole paradigm: (see: http://vixra.org/pdf/1103.0011v1.pdf  and http://vixra.org/pdf/1108.0036v3.pdf )      
This silicon globule represents the splitting of the original central NEW micro black hole (Quantum Knot or NANO Black Hole) located inside the Silicon globule, into one larger and multiple smaller BH nuclei, tunneling through the silicon to the surface of the globule and leaving there "naked" Silicon globules (small) and one larger trunk behind..

Below: Examples of possible micro black hole tunneling locations in sectional view.
A: is a large central hole presenting an irregular shape with "arms" suggesting the beginning of the splitting process?
B and C: sectional view of different micro black hole tunneling results?

Examples of large appendices or tunneling trunks or funnels assumed to be originated by the micro black hole while leaving the globule. Curved trunks are an indication for extra spin of the silicon globule at the end of the journey. (see also the "roundabouts" observed at the black scorch trace image below)

Examples of small "naked" globules supposed to represent the tunneling exit of the smallest micro black holes.

How could we relate these images to Quantum FFF theory based effects?
By assuming that splitting NEW paradigm micro black holes are the shaping origine of these silicon based nuclei. for new paradigm black holes see the older blog article (17-05-2012).

If we look at SECTIONAL VIEWS of these nuclei: we find some extra support for this hypothesis.
However, new experiments under nitrogen conditions combined with other variabilities are needed to get more foundation for this hypothesis.

Sectional views. 
A; Future metallurgical research should define which molecules are gathered here.
B; Future research should produce clues why the Oxidation skin is monolitic and has a very thin boundary layer (D)
C: This double hole could be representing the curved exit tunnel of the main micro black hole as the origine of the nearby located trunk shaped appendix.(A)

Macro Casimir compactification process on Silicon particles is an example of decreasing entropy around black holes. see: http://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk and http://vixra.org/abs/1103.0097 

For more info, see;
The new black hole at larger scale:
this is an example for the proposal that NEW paradigm black holes are active at all universal scales from ball lightning Comets Sunspots Herbig Haro objects Galaxy forming Galaxy Anchor Black Holes (GABHs) Dark matter, and the Big Crunch/ Big Bang. (Pulsating Universe hypothesis)

Artificial Ball Lightning production and exploitation device for
Zero Point Electric Energy usage.

Quantum FFF theory is based on my early research on the architecture of elementary particles related to ball lightning with micro black holes. See report on 4e ICBL in 1995, reporting:
"Elementary particle architecture links ball lightning with microscopic black holes
(L. Vuyk). "  8 august 1995, by Geert C Dijkhuis: http://home.wxs.nl/~icblsec/1995.html

Image below: Silicon BLs leaving black scorch traces on (horizontal) paper, some with regular white bounching contact points (ABCD).
Two traces are equippe with strange roundabouts (due to local silicon nucleus rotation?) at the end of the bouncing traces (A, C and D).
Future experiments should focus on these roundabouts, because it is assumed that here we will find silicon nuclei equipped with "Curved Trunks" as the tunneling ejecting result of the large micro black hole.
Two aberrant rectangular scorches are observed at (E,F) assumed to be the scorching result of hot silicon particles without internal micro black holes.

Why Silicon?

How a future Silicon based Ball Lightning experiment could look like.

Other explanations for spinning and self propulsion of silicon based ball lightning is given by:
Gerson S. Paiva and Carlton A. Taft
Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas, 22290-180, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The pair suggested that when lightning strikes a surface, like the Earth's silica-rich soil, a vapor is formed. This silicon vapor may condense into particles that combine with oxygen in the air to slowly burn with the chemical energy of oxidation.

National geographic quote:
Pavão and Paiva have spent two years testing the theory with a simple experiment.
They used electrodes to shock silicon wafers with enough electricity to create a silicon vapor.
Most of the artificial orbs lasted two to five seconds, but at least one has survived as long as eight seconds—approximating natural ball lightning and far exceeding previous efforts to create the phenomenon in the lab.

Some examples of pairing and splitting Black Holes at astronomical scales; Comet Hartley 2, Cygnus A and the Eagle nebula as an indication that black holes are active at all scales in the universe, from microscopic up to the Big Bang!.

Comet Hartley2, with a comparable identity with the silicon nuclei described before, however at a larger scale..